Non-Petroleum Release Sites
What are the implications of implementing an across-the-board low-threat clean up methodology (from petroleum releases) to non-petroleum releases?
This page will be updated as relevant documents and data regarding the development of low-threat clean up requirements for other types of contaminant releases are received.
Dry Cleaner Facility Releases
See below for documents discussing remediation of dry cleaning release sites. Dry cleaners in California continue to primarily use tetrachloroethylene (PCE) as a cleaning agent, as do other industries which discharge compounds into the sanitary sewer. While equipment leak safeguarding has evolved significantly and PCE is being outmoded as a cleaning agent (in part due to its environmental and long-term health impacts), a great many PCE releases from drycleaners still exist and will be discovered in the future. Likewise, sites with historic uses of solvents which also had leaking sanitary laterals, have yet to be discovered.
Remediation of Drycleaning Sites in California [pdf]
Milestone Report by RWQCB on Threat of PCE to Groundwater [pdf]